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Department of Computer Science

Computer science is an ever evolving filed that has become an indispensable part of the modern world. The department of Computer science lays theoretical foundations of information and computation, taking a scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. The department of computer science trains its students in various domains of technology. These trainings enable students to embrace real world technical complexities. These trainings educate students to be intuitive problem solvers, experienced engineering architects, and result-focused leaders.

The following subjects are covered in the trainings:

  • KE- DS++
  • KE - Python++
  • KE - SQL
  • KE - Machine Learning
  • KE - Python Django

Offered to students: B.Tech. CS/CE/CEIT 3rd & 4th sem

Total students:

CS: 71

CE: 69

CEIT: 72

Total : 211

S.No. Topic Sub Topics Detailing of Topics Hours of Coverage
1 Algorithm and Complexity Concept of Algorithm, Time and space complexity for set pattern Time and Space Complexity, trade off, Notations, Evaluation of Time and Space Complexity for iterative and recursice Algorithms. Practice of Questions asked in placement, growth of functions, difference between polynomial and exponential complexity. 2
2 Array Pointer basics Introduction to Pointer, Memory Representation, & and * operator, Pointer to Array. Array of Pointers, Pointer to pointer, Returning and accepting addresses through function 6
1 D array Memory Representation, Declaration and Initialization of Array, Insertion, Deletion, Left Rotation, Right rotation, Reverse, Concept of lower bound and upper bound, Address Calculation, Practice questions asked in Placement, accessing array using pointers, passing array to functions. 5
2 D Array, Matrix operation in Array Memory Representation, initialization, Address calculation (Row and column Major), Passing 2-D array to function, implementation of 2-D array using pointer, Practice questions asked in Placement 5
Pointers and Functions Basics of Pointers, Array of Pointers, general questions on pointers, functions, call by value, call by reference 6
3 String Basics concept of String Initialization and Declaration, character array Vs String, use of Null character 2
String operations String Library functions, Array of strings, array of pointers to string, accessing string elements using pointers
Problems on String Implementation of Standard library Functions, Practice questions asked in Placement
4 Structure & union Memory scheme for structure Initialization and Declaration, Memory Representation, bit padding and byte padding in structure 4
Nested Structure/self referential structure Introduction and Implemention of Nested Structures
Memory scheme for union Initialization and Declaration, memory map of union, nested structure with union
Array of structures Implementation of Array of Structures, accessing structure using pointer, passing structure to functions
Implementation of Array of Structures, accessing structure using pointer, passing structure to functions Stack Introduction to Stack Basic operations - PUSH and POP, Sorting of numbers in a stack using a temporary stack 4
Application of Stack Decimal to binary, Decimal to Hexadecimal, Decimal to Octal, Infix to Postfix and Prefix, Postfix evaluation. String reverse, palindrome check, Balanced parenthesis check, validity of bracketed arithmetic expression. Finding Minimum element from without deletion
Working with Multi stack Implementaion of multiple stack using a single array (using equal partition and memory sharing), Practice Questions asked in Placements
Mergeable Stack Implementation using Linked List
6 Queue Linear Queue Implementation of all basic operations: Insertion, Deletion(in all possible situations) 4
Circular Queue Implementation of all basic operations: Insertion, Deletion(in all possible situations)
Double Ended Queue Input Restricted, Output Restricted Double Ended Queue, and Implementation of basic operations.
Priority Queue Array, Linked List and Heap Implementation, Comparison of various implementations
Applications of Queue BFS, MST using Prims Algorithm, Shortest Path using Dijikstra Algorithm, Multi-Queue, Queue using Stacks
7 Recursion Types of Recursion Tail recursion, Head recursion, indirect recursion, nested recursion, Tree recursion 2
Time and space complexity of Recursion Concept of activation record, examples to elaborate time and space complexity of recursion, stack overflow error
Comparison of Iteration and recursion
Application of recursion Towers of Hanoi, Ackerman Function, Ladder Problem
8 Dynamic Memory Allocation Introduction to DMA Need of DMA 2
Malloc, calloc, realloc, free Implementation of various Data Structure using these
Creating array through malloc/calloc Creating array through malloc/calloc
9 Linked List Linear Linked List Insertion, Deletion, Traversal, Reverse traversal, sorting, searching, Merging, concatenation 10
Circular Linked List Insertion, Deletion, Traversal, Concatenation, Sorting, searching, merging
Doubly Linked List Insertion, Deletion, Traversal, Concatenation, Sorting, searching, merging
Application and operations on Linked List Set operations, Josephus Problem, Loop finding, Merge point of two linked list
Priority Queue Insertion, Deletion
10 Binary Tree Binary Tree Traversals: Inorder, Preoder, Postorder, Level Order Traversal, bottom view, top view, finding number of binary trees with given nodes, computaion of height, level, number of nodes, number of leaf nodesm number of degree 1 nodes, number of degree 2 nodes. Finding if the tree is complete, mirror image of binary tree, finding unique tree through given traversals, Conversion of Linked List to Tree and Tree to Linked List 8
Binary Search Tree Operations on BST: Insertion, Min, Max, Successor, Predecessor, Deletion, to check if the given tree is a BST, to check if two BSTs are equal
AVL Tree Balance factor, Rotations, Insertions.
B-Tree concept of Order and Degree, Insertion
Applications of Binary Tree Expression conversion through Binary Tree, Huffman Coding, Threaded Binary tree
Heaps Insertion and Deletion in Heap
Total Hours 60