
Message of the Chairman


Mr. Neeraj Goel

Chairman, ABESEC

We have envisioned in shaping ABESEC as a center of excellence in the fields of learning, innovations, technology, sciences, and management

We take pride in achieving our target of being a preferred institution among the students by building their career path, thereby fulfilling our commitments of contributing in the welfare of country, by preparing endowed and eminent young minds in the field of Engineering and Management. We also admire our stakeholders for achieving excellence in academics within a span of 20 years.

Our students are nurtured and groomed holistically, thus making them competent human resources for the industry and have the ability to think beyond academics. We focus on learning, research and innovations rather than conventional approach of just scoring marks. We are committed to further evolve the institution as a place to foster the talent and leadership quality of the young technocrats and managers. Hence, this institution strives to instill enthusiasm among the students, support, prepare and encourage the students to take up their dream career.

It would have been impossible to successfully survive for such a long period and achieve these many milestones without the efforts and support of a well versed, highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculty members and staff.

All these years have witnessed the success story of our institution in the form of various achievements and accomplishments by our students. We have not only achieved our dream, but also we have made a place in the heart of society as one of the prestigious institutions of our country. For me, it’s like a dream come true and I promise that we will continue the same legacy for the years to come with more commitments and quality and success.