
Message from HOD

Prof. Jaya Singh, HOD- ASH

  It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; it’s the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.” – David Allan Coe.  

I feel ecstatic to introduce you to the Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities, the foundation block for Engineers. Through our experimental and interdisciplinary learning methods, the department of ASH strives for disseminating knowledge, enhancing critical thinking, inculcating the ability to change information into knowledge and instilling the power of analyzing things technically. Along with enhanced technical and employability skills, we also intend to imbibe among our students a sense of understanding for values & ethics; a commitment to law and morality; an appreciation of human creativity and inquisitive mind set. With the help of a closed knit family of highly competent faculty members we are determined and committed to assist our students to ‘stand out among the crowd’.